Wisconsin Youth Livestock Program 2023 Spring Programs

The following message is from Bernadette (Bernie) O’Rourke, Extension Livestock Specialist:

“Find below the 2023 program offerings from the Wisconsin Youth Livestock Program.  Find attached social media graphics for your use.  A post will go out on social media through the social media channels in my email signature.  Feel free to like, follow and share posts.  Please share this information to any and all interested youth and adults in the beef, sheep, swine and meat goat areas. 

Programming includes 3 virtual animal sciences sessions.  First one is January 9th.  We will be offering tours of the new Meat Science Building on 3 designated dates only.  We will host a carcass judges training for those that want to judge carcass shows.  4-H Meats Judging and 4-H State Quiz Bowl and Skillathon are scheduled as well.  Please click on the links for more information on program offerings and how to sign up.  Contact Bernie O’Rourke at borourke2@wisc.edu  with any questions. 

These make great educational programming opportunities for all youth and those that exhibit at fairs.

Have a great holiday season and stay safe and warm these next few days!”


January 9th – Virtual Animal Sciences Programming – How to get involved in Judging & Knowledge Teams, 7 p.m.

Speakers:  Bernie O’Rourke and panelists:  Scott Howard, Stephanie Witberler and Liz Gartman



January 28th – Meat Science & Animal Biologics Discovery Building (MSABD) Tour



Feb 4th – 4-H Meats Judging Contest (partnership with WI 4-H youth development)



Feb 5th – Carcass Judges Training, 1 p.m. https://youthanimalsciences.wisc.edu/programs/carcass-judges-training/


Feb 6th – Virtual Animal Sciences Programming – Beef Evaluation and Cookery, 7 p.m.



Feb 25 – Meat Science & Animal Biologics Discovery Building (MSABD) Tour



March 6 – Virtual Animal Sciences Programming – Reproduction Technologies in Animal Sciences, 7 p.m.



March 25 – 4-H Livestock Quiz Bowl and Skillathon (partnership with WI 4-H youth development)



April 29 – Meat Science & Animal Biologics Discovery Building (MSABD) Tour


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